Aloha Hoalohas,

since everyone talked to the hand* I am still here! *wuhuu*

So welcome to the first episode of:
Real insight knowledge
Visionary (stuffy) stuff things
All the other stuff no one ever asked for…

This brand-new Infotainment is brought to you by:

[…] the guardian of the lost souls!
The powerful!
The pleasurable!
The indestructible…
Mushu! Blogmaster!_ (
…for the Disney lovers…_)

New customers using your codes:

~8 new Sites
• ~45 new chargers

News about Tech/Ops:

• Thanks to Mr. T. and his efforts we can still use UMTS sticks and we do not need to upgrade our hardware! Thereby we save a lot of money and manpower! Dodged that bullet! Thanks T.!
(Actually, now that I think about it, it seems like a plot to get more attention – classic T… I will investigate)
• New ‘ESS trading logic’ earning quite a few $$
• New ESS in Berlin nearly ready for operations
• Mr G. was in town… beer consumption reached its yearly peak


• We are building new processes and doing a lot of groundwork to prepare for our big expansion!
Every day internal interfaces are getting polished and improvements are tackled wherever I look! (Sales, Ops, C&I,…)
It’s amazing to see so many smart and ambitious people working for our vision! I am quite impressed!
• Since we are all doing fantastic work it’s a breeze to sell our product!
That’s why we are breaking our selling records for this month (again)! *oops*
Sales wouldn’t admit, but it’s nearly too easy!
Sometimes I see Phil L. just playing table soccer aaall daaay long!
(That way he also tries to distract TECH from doing that hell of a job… *sheesh*)

Stocks & Finances:

• My ‘Tesla’ stock is sailing close to the livercheese (Bavarian expression: “Hart am Leberkäs segeln”)
‘Brookfield renewable energy’ - is it worth an investment?
‘Lupaka Gold’ - worst penny stock of the week…(?!)


You are always welcome to share insights with me, so this blog is always filled with fresh news… Otherwise there will be only this one bird, you know…typing the word…

Quote of the Day:

“If you want to turn a vision into reality, you have to give 100% and never stop believing in your dream!”
-A.S. (again… such a visionary leader)

*See last post