Welcome to TMH.tech!
This is our TMH.Tech blog where we would like to share our tech-view on the future of Energy. We do hope you find the content of our posts interesting and helpful. We encourage you to leave your thoughts and discuss your ideas with us.-
Rrrrrraspberry Rrrrrrevolution!
First things first, my „Lupaka Gold” stock in one gif: Gumo Gumo nooo, Lupakaaa Rocketoo
Keep rolling, rolling...
Aloha Hoalohas,
since everyone talked to the hand* I am still here! *wuhuu*
This is not the blog you are looking for....
…we found a log from ancient times… a new hope?
Macaroons - a new flavor for authorization
Macaroons are like cookies on steroids. And if we think of this concept in the context of authorization for web applications, it is still valid. Cookies is the most used authorisation mechanism in web applications, they are bearer tokens that enable their holder to access a certain service.
One lightning talk for a few of our puzzles
There Once Was an Inflexible Grid
The move towards clean energy is in full-effect. Not only are electric alternatives for transportation winning terrain in the public eye, legislature is being amended as we speak to favor more responsible alternatives for power worldwide. We slowly seem to be getting that we need to do better than simply burning carbon.
Kubernetes Tutorial
Start with a new repository:
mkdir k8s-tutorial cd k8s-tutorial git init wget http://bottlepy.org/bottle.py
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